Now You Can Quickly & Simply Track Your Website Profits

In 2 minutes or less you can setup a campaign to track your website visitors and increase sales.

  • Track Earnings
  • Split Testing
  • Fraud Detection

Guaranteed to be the EASIEST testing & tracking tool you've ever tried. Plus, it’s just $1 to test drive this bad mamajamma.

Start For Just a Buck

Track Earnings

You've probably used or tinyurl before but did you know EVERYONE can see how much traffic you're getting and where from. PixelTrakk hides your link and traffic from everyone PLUS tracks how much money you make from each link.

Split Testing

Add up to 5 different sources to your link and PixelTrakk will rotate them evenly to tell you which page/link makes you the most money. And with our super easy interface it won't take a degree in astro-physics like other split testing tools. (even works for affiliates)

Fraud Detection

If you think one of your traffic sources is sending you fake clicks, just wrap your link in a PixelTrakk link and we'll watch for you. IF there are fake clicks our click fraud monitoring system will flag which link its coming from and send an email report so you have evidence of the issue.