![pixeltrakk importantce of analytics](https://pixeltrakk.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/pixeltrakk-analytics.png)
Today's post inspired by Online Marketing Strategy's Infographic (linked below)
If you haven’t figured it out by now… Yes! Analytics are vital and hopefully you’re already using them to help you make decisions for the direction of your business. If not, here are three important reasons why you should be testing, tracking, and reviewing the results before making ANY decisions for your website offers.
1. Conversion
![Conversion Quote](https://pixeltrakk.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/numbers.png)
Quote By Matt Bacak
A mentor of mine used to say, “No Numbers = No Business.” And he was completely right. Think about it… If you’re not tracking the pages in your offer, how do you know which of your pages gets you the most conversions? or the least?
When you have an offer that is making you money, you want to know as much about that offer as possible so that you can duplicate it with your next one. Is it the traffic you’re sending to it? Is it the sales copy? is it the design?
You’ll never know what made than offer so successful if you’re not testing which features of that offer are helping it convert.
2. You’re Losing $
Know where you’re loosing your buyers…You’re working hard each day to stay on top (or get to the top) of Google, you’ve got more social media accounts that you can count on your fingers, and you’re probably dabbling in paid advertising.
With all that traffic driving effort… you’re not sure why you’re earning so little. At this point, most people would put the site on a back burner, or start to recreate a new product because this one “just isn’t working,”… that’s like handing over your customers to your competitor!
BUT if you knew what part wasn’t working you might just be able to fix the leak. Having tracking on the pages in your sales funnel will tell you where your buyers are dropping off. That’s where you split test the current page with something better to improve conversions and STOP sending your buyers to your competitor.
3. Analytics Aren’t Complicated
![Simple Tracking Software](https://pixeltrakk.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/keep-it-simple-600.png)
Easy.. only test what you have to know. Only track pages crucial to a specific offer. That way, the only data you’re getting is directly related to the offer you want to improve.
I could probably go on for days and days on why it’s important… but the best reason I have for you is…
If you’re not utilizing analytics
Website design… Product Creation… Blogging… Facebook… Twitter… SEO… Paid Traffic… Hours and hours of learning and implementation…
None of the work you’re doing is going to pay off at the end, if you’re not tracking, testing, and using the results to help you make informed decisions for moving your business forward. Don’t just put up tracking… USE the knowledge tracking gives you.
Here’s the Full Version
I only covered one stat from this infographic, so I’m positive you’ll find some other great details that will get your juices flowing. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Online Marketing Strategy Infographic
Real quick… before you go…
Did you see that last stat, “76% of retailers who used analytics in 2011 yielded ‘useful’ results”? Tell me what useful results you want to get from your analytics in the comments.
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