Did you know you could set up a campaign to test up to 5 different pages to see which one converts the best in under 3 minutes? YEPPERS! I just posted a new video tutorial on how to use the PixelTrakk Split Testing feature. It’s short, sweet, and to the point…just how we like it.
Split Test Video Tutorial
If you’re looking for more video training.. just click the support link at the bottom of the page.
PixelTrakk Team Manager
You state that you place that tracking pixel on the next screen, but for sales it will just be the checkout page in many cases so there will be no sale yet.
What about placing it on the actual thank you page instead?
Also, the tracking pixel is insecure. What about placing the pixel on a secure page?
Hi Jason,
You should place the pixel on the page immediately after they complete the action. So if you’re testing the salespage, you would put it on the page they land on after they complete the purchase. For most people this would be the thank you page… for some this is an upsell page.
It would not go on the checkout page.
As for the tracking pixel security – placing a pixel on a secure page should not affect the security of the website. I may have misunderstood your comment, so please feel free to explain further.
Hey Justin,
I think Jason was referring to using a secure pixel as oppose to an unsecure pixel. For example if someone is being forwarded to your checkout page, and that page has a SSL certificate but on that same page you have an unsecure pixel some browsers will notify the user that their are some parts of the website that are unsecure which can potentially cause shopping cart abandonment.
Where as if the pixel itself is secure then their will be no browser notification and the visitor can complete the checkout process without any notification. So instead of the tracking pixel starting with http://pixeltrakk.com/ it would be https://pixeltrakk.com I believe this is the concern. Thanks in advance for your response Justin!
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