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Split Testing + Funnel Tracking = Awesomesauce

by PixelTrakk Team

When we first started putting together the features of Pixel we wanted to keep it simple and easy to use. This week, I had a questoin come in from a user that wanted to combine two features together. Here’s his question:

The answer is… YES!

I am sure you’re just as excited as he is to know that you can now set up a tracking campaign that will not only track the conversions through your entire product funnel, but can also split test the optin pages. What’s even better is that this post is going to show you exactly how to set that up.

Getting Started

Step 1: Set up a Split Testing Campaign. Just enter the URL’s of up to 5 pages that you want to include in the split test. Then click next to create the campaign.

Step 2: Set up a Funnel Tracking Campaign Use the PixelTrakk tracking link from your split testing campaign (created in step one) as the URL you want to track in this campaign. Then add all the pixels to the pages in your funnel. If you need help setting this up – check out the funnel tracking video tutorial.

Step 3: Send traffic to your funnel. PixelTrakk with automatically rotate the landing pages you want to split test and give you a spreadsheet of which one is converting the best. It will also tell you which page in your funnel is converting the worst and which one is the best.


Big Jason May 2, 2012 at 5:21 pm

What about split testing an optin page or sales page and then split testing the action confirmation page as well?

PixelTrakk Team May 2, 2012 at 5:47 pm

Hi Jason,

You could technically set up two split test campaigns. Campaign 1 would split test your optin pages. Campaign 2 would split test the page they land on after they optin.

You would just need to put the tracking URL for campaign 2 in your webform settings so that once the person optins they are redirected with the link to split test the confirmation page.

This is an excellent question! I’ve added the suggestion to my list of future videos. :)

Big Jason May 29, 2012 at 3:48 am

awesome. thanks for the answer. yeah, big time drawback of gwo…

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